Luke 2:25-38

We know that Joseph and Mary were heading to the temple 40 days after Mary had given birth. They were travelling from Bethelem to Jerusalem, which wasn’t a very long journey. They could easily walk there in a day. Bethlehem is basically a suburb of Jerusalem. It’s like walking from mission city to the san antonio zoo. We know that Joseph and Mary were not rich, by the animals they were bringing. Read Leviticus 12 We know that Jopeph and Mary were devout Jews, abiding by the ritual laws and visiting the temple when required. This was the first time Jesus, God in flesh, was going to enter into his temple in human form. A pattern is emerging of God interrupting the story of Jesus with messengers filled with the Spirit of God declare to insignificant people the wonder news of the coming of God’s plan for salvation both for the nation and people of Israel but also for the whole entire world Read Isaiah 52:7-10 This time, they are interupped in their journey by these 2 characters, Simeon and Anna. These 2 people are not significant people in the religeous order of that day. These were nobodies, who were just faithfully serving the Lord and believing in the promises he had given them. Simeon is not described as a prophet, but we are told specifically that he prophecies to Mary and Joseph. Anna is described as a prophetess, but no where in this text are we told she prophecies. Note that it say the Holy Spirit is “upon” Simeon, which is in line with how the Spirit would rest on individuals in the old testament. Jesus had come to make a way so that the Spirit could not only come upon us but to live within us. God could now take up residence not just in the Holy of Holies in the temple which he was coming to visit. He could now come and take up residence in the hearts of you and I. And through this Spirit we have salvation. she gives thanks and speaks of him to all who were also waiting for the arrival of Jesus. The only reason that Simeon could see Jesus as who he really was, the Messiah and savior of Israel, was because of the Holy Spirit. Flesh and blood cannot reveal this to us. Only the Holy Spirit can reveal to us that Jesus is Lord. No one can even claim Jesus is Lord without the Spirit revealing it to them. 1 Cor 12:3 There are no big players and little players. This story shows us that God sees you where you are. These two individuals were join going about their lives. Anna was an old widow from an insignificant tribe. Her credentials in the eyes of the religious establishment were poor. She was likely written off and taken for granted by them. She was someone whom they most likey saw often and were familiar with. She was not forgotten by God though. He saw her where she was, faithfully serving him day in and day out. God had given her promises that she held onto. Fouty days after Jesus was born he entered the temple physically for the first time! Forty days after he raised from the dea he visited the new temple of his Spirit, us! In both occasions his Spirit was present and working in the people of God. It was being done in and through people who were insignificant in the eyes of believers.


  • What promises has God made to you?
  • Are you still hoping and trusting in them, or have you lost faith?
  • The Holy Spirit himself is a promise. It’s a guarantee to us of our salvation. And through the Spirit do we hope in our future glory when we are restored completely to the Lord in every sense. We have salvation now, and are walking in that day to day being sanctified through his power. But he promises one day to come back and deliver us completly’ from this body of sin. We will be changed, transformed, and completely restored and renewed bodily so that our redemption story will be complete. Yes Jesus finished the work for our salvation at the cross and we can rest in that. We can also hope for our future glorification and reconciliation to him.


  • The definition of prophecy is declaring the words of God. Standing on behalf of God, telling other people what God wants to say to them.
  • It is not simply telling the future. There might be future prediction within a prophecy. But that is not the point of prophecy.
  • We are told specifically that in our days both men and women would prophecy. In other words, both men and women could equally stand on behalf of God and speak to people his message. (Acts 2:17)
  • The modern day state of prophesy is in a dire situation. We’ve been bombarded by false prophets declaring things obviously not given by God. God has not sent these prophets, they are standing on their on volition.
  • They are either speaking under a delusion, or they are speaking lies.
  • God says in Jeremiah 23 that they are doing so by the lies and deceit of their own heart. Either because they they have setup some sort of false idol in their heart.
  • These people are false prophets, declaring a form of Godliness that has no power. They’ve introduced mixture into their message. Wedding themselves with a political and humanistic movement in which God has no part of.
  • We must remember though that God has appointed true prophecy for our age nonetheless. And we are given a picture of how that may take place in this age. Not in some grand form, but taking the form of the remnant and the people of God declaring the Word of God to one another by the power of the Spirit.
  • Neither Anna or Simeon were claiming to be prophesying as they spoke. They were filled with the Spirit and he spoke through them. There was a message of judgement in their words, but it was wrapped in an overarching message of redemption through Christ.
  • It has a transcendant feel to it, not worrying itself to the present woes of the nation. Instead it was concerning the overarching plan of God to bring salvation to the world. This is the heart of God.